Zenith Labs TitanFlow: Review the Supplement Ingredient Benefits


Active Member
Aug 11, 2024

With a focus on supporting sturdy cellular walls in the urethra, TitanFlow differentiates itself from traditional prostate-centric supplements. Backed by the latest research from Johns Hopkins University, TitanFlow addresses a crucial aspect of urinary health often overlooked by other products – the strength of the urethra walls.
By incorporating a unique blend of research-backed ingredients like pumpkin seed oil, beta-sitosterol, lycopene, broccoli sprout extract, and pygeum, TitanFlow offers a comprehensive approach to maintaining a robust urinary flow. These ingredients work synergistically to fortify the urethra walls, ensuring complete bladder emptying, reduced urgency, and improved prostate comfort.

Does Zenith Labs TitanFlow Work?​

Zenith Labs TitanFlow has been meticulously formulated based on extensive scientific research to enhance urinary health by fortifying urethra walls and supporting healthy urinary habits. The unique blend of research-backed ingredients in TitanFlow focuses on crucial aspects of urinary wellness, including facilitating complete bladder emptying, maintaining a steady urine stream, reducing urgency, and improving overall prostate comfort.
By incorporating key nutrients like pumpkin seed oil, beta-sitosterol, lycopene, broccoli sprout extract, and pygeum, TitanFlow addresses multiple layers of support for optimal urinary function. These ingredients work synergistically to strengthen urethra walls, resist pinching, and promote unhindered urine flow.
With a solid scientific foundation and a proprietary formula designed to enhance urinary health, Zenith Labs TitanFlow stands out as a groundbreaking solution for individuals seeking to support a solid and healthy urinary flow.

What are the Ingredients in Zenith Labs TitanFlow?​

Pumpkin Seed Oil​

Pumpkin seed oil in Zenith Labs TitanFlow offers significant benefits for urinary and prostate health. Recent research has shown that it helps reduce the urgency of bathroom trips after consuming diuretics and promotes complete bladder emptying. Additionally, daily intake of pumpkin seed oil strengthens urethra walls, improving flow metrics by over 20%. Fortifying the urethra walls enhances urinary flow and prevents getting pinched closed, allowing for effortless and complete bladder emptying.


Beta-sitosterol, an essential nutrient in pumpkin seeds and present in Zenith Labs TitanFlow, provides additional support for complete bladder emptying and improved flow. Working synergistically with pumpkin seed oil, beta-sitosterol strengthens urethra walls and enhances urinary health benefits. By supporting the function of the urinary system, beta-sitosterol aids in maintaining a steady urine stream, reduces urgency, and improves comfort related to prostate health.


Lycopene, an antioxidant included in Zenith Labs TitanFlow, plays a crucial role in protecting the epithelial cells of the urethra from damage. Research indicates that maintaining healthy levels of lycopene supports overall urinary flow by safeguarding the health of the urethral cells. By incorporating lycopene into the formula, TitanFlow helps preserve the integrity of the urethra walls, contributing to enhanced urinary health and promoting comfortable and unobstructed urine flow.

Broccoli Sprout Extract​

Including broccoli sprout extract in Zenith Labs TitanFlow provides antioxidants that strengthen urethra walls and eliminate toxins that may compromise urinary health. This extract not only fortifies the cellular walls of the urethra but also supplies essential nutrients that aid in flushing out harmful substances. TitanFlow offers multi-layered support for complete bladder emptying, maintaining a steady urine stream, reducing urgency, and supporting prostate comfort by incorporating broccoli sprout extract.


Pygeum, an herbal extract traditionally used to support urinary health, is a key ingredient in Zenith Labs TitanFlow. Modern research has shown that pygeum helps relax smooth muscles, leading to improved urine flow. By incorporating pygeum into the formula, TitanFlow enhances the product’s overall efficacy by providing support for various aspects of urinary health. Its synergistic effects with other ingredients contribute to comprehensive urinary support, ensuring complete bladder emptying, steady urine flow, reduced urgency, and enhanced prostate comfort.

What is the Price of Zenith Labs TitanFlow?​


1 Bottle​

  • 1-Month Supply
  • Price: $59 per bottle
  • Shipping: $9.95 within the USA
  • Guarantee: 180-Days
  • Total Cost: $59.00

3 Bottles​

  • 3-Month Supply
  • Price: $49 per bottle
  • Shipping: Free within the USA
  • Guarantee: 180-Days
  • Total Cost: $147.00

6 Bottles​

  • 6-Month Supply
  • Price: $39 per bottle
  • Shipping: Free within the USA
  • Guarantee: 180-Days
  • Total Cost: $234.00
Please take advantage of our discounted bundle plans and enjoy the convenience of different supply durations to suit your needs. Each package comes with a 180-day guarantee, ensuring your satisfaction with TitanFlow. Order now to experience the benefits of this revolutionary formula for maintaining a healthy urinary flow.

Where to Buy Zenith Labs TitanFlow?​

The most reliable source for acquiring Zenith Labs TitanFlow is the company’s official website. By purchasing directly from the website, you guarantee the authenticity and quality of the product. Additionally, buying from the official site ensures access to special offers and discounts that enhance your experience and support your journey toward optimal urinary health.
When you purchase through the official Zenith Labs website, you can take advantage of exclusive deals that may not be available through other channels. By buying from the official site, you can be confident in the product’s legitimacy and the effectiveness of the special formula designed to strengthen urethra walls and promote healthy urinary flow.
To secure your supply of Zenith Labs TitanFlow and benefit from the unique ingredients backed by extensive research, visit the official Zenith Labs website and explore the current offers available. Start prioritizing your urinary health today with TitanFlow from Zenith Labs.


TitanFlow Reviews (Advanced Prostate Health Solution By Zenith Labs) Check Original TitanFlow Ingredients, Benefits, Dosage and Official Website!

TitanFlow was made by Dr. Ryan Shelton and his team at Zenith Labs to help with prostate health.

The mix of pumpkin seed oil, lycopene, and beta-sitosterol in the mixture is meant to help the flow of urine and maintain good prostate health.

In our study, you'll find out everything you need to know about TitanFlow and how it works right now.

What does TitanFlow do?​

TitanFlow is a most trusted product for prostate health that was made by a doctor and is mostly sold to guys over 40.

If you take two pills of TitanFlow every day, the natural ingredients in them can help your prostate stay healthy and your urine flow.

About half of men in their 40s and 50s have benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), which means their prostate is too big. For guys 70 and older, this number goes up to 80%. Some of the signs of BPH are having trouble peeing, waking up a lot at night to go to the bathroom, and not wanting to have love.

Men can supposedly get rid of these symptoms with TitanFlow, which has a mix of ingredients backed by science that are meant to work.

TitanFlow can only be bought on the official seller website. Each bottle costs $59 USD. There is a "empty bottle" money-back promise on everything you buy for 180 days.

TitanFlow Benefits​

TitanFlow has many perks, some of which are:

Product made by a doctor and created by Dr. Ryan Shelton
Encourage strong urine flow
Using five ingredients that have been proven to work by science
For long-lasting effects, make the walls of the urethra stronger.
With a money-back promise for 180 days
Daily pills that are easy to take

What's in TitanFlow​

TitanFlow is made up of five clear ingredients mixed together. Pumpkin seed oil is the biggest and most important ingredient. There is more of it than any other ingredient put together.

TitanFlow has a lot of useful ingredients that help keep your prostate healthy. Here are all of them:

  • Pumpkin Seed Oil (500mg)
  • Pygeum Africanum Bark Extract (100mg)
  • Lycopene (37.5mg)
  • Broccoli Sprout Extract (50mg)
It has 30 mg of beta sitosterol complex.

What to Do to Take TitanFlow​

Zenith Labs says that to improve prostate health and urine flow, you should take two TitanFlow pills once a day:

TitanFlow should be taken twice a day.
TitanFlow works best when taken with your first meal of the day.

Zenith Labs suggests taking TitanFlow for 90 days so that you can see how it works. Over the course of 90 days, tests showed that many of the ingredients in TitanFlow worked. TitanFlow comes with a 180-day money-back promise, so you have plenty of time to see how it works for you.

What to Look Forward To After Taking TitanFlow​

According to Dr. Shelton and his team at Zenith Labs, some of the things that might happen after you take TitanFlow are:

Help your urethra stay strong: Other prostate pills focus on making your prostate bigger, but TitanFlow says it works on your urethra instead. Your urethra has a valve that lets pee leave your body. The cells in the urethra get weaker with age, which makes it harder to empty the bladder. It's harder to go to the bathroom because your body can't physically open the urethra like it used to. Pumpkin seed extract is one of the ingredients in TitanFlow. It is said to help strengthen the walls of the urethra and increase the activity of vascular cells in and around the urethra.

Encourage Comfortable Urination: A lot of men with BPH have trouble going to the bathroom. For example, it might be hard for them to start peeing and empty their bladder at the same time. It's a normal sign of BPH. TitanFlow, on the other hand, says it makes urinating more comfy and easier to do, thus making it easier to hold it in.

Fix the cause of problems with urine flow: Many products for the prostate don't work because they don't address the main cause of urine flow problems, which is a weak urethra. Some natural ingredients may say they help keep your prostate at a healthy size, but few have been shown to actually do that. TitanFlow is different because it focuses on urethra strength and urine flow to get to the root of your bladder problems.

Flush Away Toxins: TitanFlow's mix of ingredients "helps flush away toxins." They can damage the endothelial cells that keep your bladder open and your pee flowing freely. Over time, toxins build up in your reproductive system and make it even weaker. TitanFlow can get to the root cause of urethral and bladder problems by moving these toxins out of the body.

Important Improvements Between One and Three Months: Zenith Labs suggests taking TitanFlow for 90 days to see what happens. After the ingredients have had time to work, the company says, "most men notice significant improvements between 1 and 3 months." TitanFlow may not improve urinary health right away like some other products do; instead, it improves the urethra over time. Many of the studies that have been done on TitanFlow's different ingredients have been 90 days long.

TitanFlow comes with a 180-day money-back promise, so you have plenty of time to try it out, decide if you like it, and ask for a return if you don't.

TitanFlow Costs​

TitanFlow costs $59 per bottle. If you buy a lot of drinks, you might be able to get a deal.

The only places to buy TitanFlow are from the official seller website and the official Zenith Labs website. Here are the prices:

  • 1 Bottle: $59 + $9.95 Shipping
  • 3 Bottles: $147 ($49 Per Bottle) + Free Shipping
  • 6 Bottles: $234 ($39 Per Bottle) + Free Shipping (BEST SELLER PACK)
Each bottle has 60 pills, which is enough for 30 days of TitanFlow. You take two pills every day to help your urine flow and keep your prostate healthy in general.

TitanFlow's Policy on Refunds​

TitanFlow guarantees that you will be happy with an empty bottle for 180 days. You have 180 days to ask for a full refund if you're not happy with TitanFlow and how it works, even if you've used up all your bottles.

What Makes TitanFlow as No.1 Male Wellness Formula!​

Most vitamins for the prostate say they can reduce the size of the prostate, but TitanFlow says it can help strengthen the urethra to make it easier to urinate and improve urine flow.

By taking two pills of TitanFlow every day, you can use a mix of five scientifically proven ingredients to improve your prostate health, urinary flow, and general male health and vigor. These ingredients are pumpkin seed, lycopene, beta-sitosterol, Pygeum Africanum, and broccoli sprout extract.

Visit the website to find out more about TitanFlow or to buy the supplement right now.